On February 19, 2015 I made my first video. I didn’t know anything about making videos back then (and it shows 😂).
I wanted to show somebody in a Facebook group how to start a Mochila, made the video, posted it on YouTube and that made it easier to share.
About 1,5 years and a few videos later, my husband heard that I had 30.000 views on my videos. He said: You have to turn on monetising. Our sons said: That is a lot of effort for only a few bucks.
My husband turned it on anyway and I kept making videos.
At first I couldn’t make a decision about what language I should speak, Dutch or English, so I didn’t speak at all. Of course it also took some guts, to start talking in the videos. Cause lets be honest, it is strange to hear your own voice. Finally I decided to speak English, so more people could understand me.
Nowadays all my videos have closed captions. That means that on the YouTube website you can turn on (good quality) subtitles in many languages. Unfortunately this option is not (yet) available in the YouTube app.
On February 15, 2021 I reached the incredible number of 75.000 subscribers. That made me so happy and proud. My sons then told me that when I would reach 100.000 subscribers, I would get a Silver Play Button. I said: A WHAT? I had no idea what it was, so they showed me a picture.
For the past year I kept a close watch on the number of subscribers. There were moments that that number grew very fast and then there were moments that it didn’t go so fast anymore.
February 1, 2022 was the day that I reached 100.000 subscribers. I kept refreshing the YouTube Studio app to see the number of subscribers jump from 99.999 to 100.000 😅
On Februari 22, 2022 I received a creator award, The Silver Play Button. I am so proud.

In my videos you see my hands and you hear my voice. What you don’t see is all the work my husband, Cor 😘, does to improve the quality of the videos. Thank you for all your support hubby.
I also want to thank everybody who subscribed to my channel, everybody who watches my videos, everybody who follows me on Instagram/Facebook/Ravelry and everybody who bought my patterns. Without all of you, this would not have been possible.
I hope to publish more videos to help you create a beautiful Mochila.
Thanks everybody 🙏🤗
You are simply 👌 superb
congratulations that’s awesome!
You're amazing. Am in love with your bags
Beautiful bags